What is Digital Marketing? Features and Benefits of Digital Marketing?

 What is digital marketing?

What is digital marketing: Digital marketing is the promotion of a product or service on a digital device (computer and mobile phone). These are part of digital marketing. which it belongs and has been limited to marketing magazines, newspapers, and television channels for decades and most advanced until the

What is digital marketing?

advent of the Internet and modern technology. Effective marketing channels and everything changed and eras. A new and innovative concept of marketing called digital marketing.

With the advent of digital marketing, many ideas about marketing and the organization's relationship with the end-user have changed.

Digital marketing is the application of modern technology tools, especially the general principles of marketing science through the use of the Internet, and the techniques and techniques used to transform the virtual digital market into a real market.

Through this, the customer can be reached in fancy and modern ways such as e-mail, SMS text message, mobile phone application, instant message, electronic billboard, social networking site, search engine ... etc.

Marketing through the internet is the most important and largest form of digital marketing, but it still falls under digital marketing and is not synonymous with it. Online or not, and that includes digital marketing.

Digital marketing refers not only to modern communication technology but also to the technological devices used (such as smartphones, televisions connected to the Internet) and the digital platforms used (such as smartphone applications).

Digital marketing relates to commercial activities based on the concept of "e-CRM", an acronym for electronic customer relationship management, which means electronic customer relationship management, market studies, finding new customers, providing services to existing and old customers, and contributing to customers. Develop the products and services provided by providing opportunities.

From this, we understand that the new marketing theory that digital marketing adopts ... relies on modern digital technology to meet customer needs, achieve organization goals, develop existing markets and open up new markets and thus achieve huge profits.

Features and benefits of digital marketing

1- Possibility of direct communication between customer and business

Through digital marketing, customers can express their desire for an organization or business by responding directly to the marketing elements issued by the organization.

For example, the client can express his opinion directly about any product of the organization by posting a comment on one of its social media pages, of course, it helps the organization to understand the customers, their aspirations and problems and then develop and grow it.

Features and benefits of digital marketing?

2- Ability to notice well

Digital marketing provides accurate information and data about customers, allowing companies to create the right targeting that enables them to reach potential customers who can achieve good sales through them.

Of course, as a social media user, you must have checked the ads of some hotels and tourist villages on this Facebook account, even after you continue to search about these hotels or after visiting any hotel reservation site.

Are you now aware of the fact that as part of the digital marketing world, you are a digital customer who targets companies through digital advertising!

3- Ability to control fair spending and marketing budget more flexibly

The fair cost of digital marketing comes as a result of its unparalleled effectiveness, here the concept of cost is measured by the profit or profit size that can be achieved through these costs.

In the world of digital marketing, you can pay for every target customer who watches promotional videos for your product, instead of paying a lot for TV ads that you can't control showing to each target customer in particular.

Controlling marketing budgets is also a feature of digital marketing,

4- Ability to collect and reuse data

Advanced technology provided through digital marketing allows business owners to collect and retain customer data and then offer or reuse individual marketing to sell more to the same customers who sold earlier.

5- Ability to accurately measure results and then make necessary improvements

One of the most important benefits of digital marketing is monitoring, recording, and analyzing marketing results and then making the right decisions that help the business grow and prosper.

In digital marketing, marketing is a matter of analyzing everything through email opening rates, watching marketing videos, and completing sales leads.

6- Obtain results faster than conventional marketing

With digital marketing you often see results quickly, on the one hand, you can direct marketing to the direction you want it to be, and on the other hand, you can measure everything and see results first.

If you own a product, for example, you can immediately create a social media page, start a marketing campaign, and see your target customers interact with your promotion within one hour of its creation and approval.

The most important digital marketing channel

Content marketing by creating a project website

It is the most important marketing channel of digital marketing for professional organizations, and it allows the business owner to create a website that represents the company and provides data and detailed information about what the company offers in terms of products or services as well as business topics to attract customers. By creating a blog for the site customers try to gather information on this topic before they make any purchase.

Marketing through social media

An important channel that has proven its importance in the last decade in the world of digital marketing. The goal of marketing through social media is to attract customers and clients, introduce them to the brand, communicate with them, and provide the data and information they want about the product or service.

In the end, the objective has been achieved, which is to transform the target customers into real customers by completing the purchasing process. The most popular social networks include YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Email marketing

One of the oldest digital marketing methods, however, is still very effective in the marketing process and is widely used to inform the latest developments or to show new advertising content to customers.

You must be careful when using this technology, as many customers are annoyed by the huge number of emails, so do not persevere and do not provide enough of your information without exaggeration.

In short, email marketing involves creating a mailing list for targeted customers and motivating marketing messages to attract these customers back to their site or online stores, thus gaining more profits from the same customer.

Search engine optimization

It is also called search engine marketing and is a very effective marketing channel through which the business owner first makes necessary improvements in the content of his site to appear in the search results and then attracts more people interested in what he offers and ultimately gains sales.

Marketing by text message

Text messaging is an effective marketing channel in digital marketing, as it enables the business owner to send a text message directly to the target customer's phone, regardless of whether the customer is online or not. Yes, text messages are limited in word count but they are very effective when used wisely.

What does the digital marketing team consist of?

The digital marketing team is responsible for raising the brand awareness of the company and generating more sales.

There are many majors in digital marketing, but not every company should have a team that covers all branches of marketing.

Here the size of the marketing team depends on the size of the organization, the number of marketing channels you want to work through and the goals you are searching for ... etc.

In the case of small businesses, for example, a marketing specialist may be hired to perform many tasks.

The following is a group of the most important and prominent features of digital marketing:

SEO expert

Its mission is to work on the company's website in order to increase its ranking in search engines. He also works with content creators to ensure the best performance of their written content in line with the requirements of search engines.

Content Marketing Specialist

It is the job of a quality written content marketer for a company's website blog to attract more potential customers. Also, the content writer must be familiar with the basics of SEO in order to create content that is SEO friendly.

Social media manager

Its primary mission is to set a schedule for publishing, text, and visual content for the organization and to follow the impressions made by the audience. Social media managers should work with content marketing professionals to create strategies for publishing content on social media.

Marketing Automation Coordinator

Its primary goal is to select programs that allow the entire marketing team to understand customer behavior, measure the company's business growth percentage, rate emails, ad click percentage, and lead gain rate.

Marketing Data Analyzer

The job of a data analyst in digital marketing is to analyze marketing data and results through specialized programs and then make decisions that help the company become more efficient in managing its digital marketing efforts.

The Digital Marketing Challenge

The proliferation of digital channels

Customers use many digital channels and multiple devices that use different types of protocols and specifications and different interfaces and they interact with these devices in different ways and for different purposes.

Big competition

Digital channels are more efficient than traditional media, which makes them attractive to almost all businesses of all sizes, and as a result, there is fierce competition to reach potential customers through digital marketing channels.

Databases are inflated

Customers leave a huge chain of data in digital channels and thus it becomes difficult to work with this data professionally to reach the right target to achieve the best possible results.

Difficulty getting a professional marketing team

Despite the development and expansion of the concept of digital marketing in our Arab region, the market still needs professionals in all branches, and this makes it a difficult task to find a good digital marketing team for every company.

Digital marketing steps

Suppose you own a business, or you want to create a new business and you now want to start marketing your business through digital marketing channels, what should you do? In the form of simple and concise steps we will discuss in this section in this article:

1- Start market research

Market research is the cornerstone of a marketing plan. In this move, marketing experts measure the market demand for products or services through specialized programs and tools and try to gather the maximum amount of information and data about the target customers.

Also, this step involves studying the competitors and accessing their strengths and weaknesses, and then determining what the business would like to compete for by determining the competitive advantage (price reduction, for example).

Read more: The best e-marketing tools for all branches

2- Marketing plan ready

In this step, the steps of the marketing process are specified, tasks are defined for different task teams, and the focus will be on marketing budgets and digital marketing channels.

Marketing planning is a very important step on which success largely depends and to ensure the success of the marketing process and differentiate it from any other marketing plan, the plan must be divided into accurate and long term and short term and must have innovative and smart ideas. Will.

3- Building Digital Marketing Assets (Business Presence Channel)

This includes creating a business website to launch it and helping to attract potential customers through digital content.

It also includes creating professional business pages on social networking sites, including creating marketing systems (purchasing marketing and analytics programs, subscribing to e-mail marketing services, etc.).

4- Start marketing campaigns and a strong presence in front of potential clients

In this move, the specialized marketing team has promised to start its activities and marketing promotion, and accordingly, data is collected and analyzed to help improve the marketing process and avoid future mistakes.

It is worth noting here that the digital marketing process is a very flexible process, and it does not have a quality ceiling, because it is a continuous improvement process and always has the opportunity and potential to reap better results and profits.

How you can benefit from digital marketing

There are many ways you can benefit from the world of digital marketing, but here I will divide these methods into three main points:

1- Learn digital marketing to get a job

Digital marketing is a very important field witnessing huge growth and in reality, the Arab market is in a state of intense thirst for more e-marketers, so every company, entity, or business, sooner or later, will need at least one electronic marketer to represent it electronically.

The following article will help you a lot:

How To Become A Professional Electronic Marketer

Learning digital marketing will open up a lot of opportunities and possibilities for you to get a modern job and not only that, working in this field does not require you to work in any company, but you can also work in self-employment from home.

This is an integrated course on how to start self-employment:

Online Freelancing Guide

2- Learn digital marketing to market your business

In our time, digital marketing has become essential for all kinds of businesses, even small enterprises like stores and restaurants can no longer ignore the issue of creating their representative pages on social media.

By learning the basics of digital marketing, you can take your business to new heights and you can take advantage of many great opportunities to outperform your competitors.

3- Learn digital marketing to market third party products

There is a huge field in the world of digital marketing called affiliate marketing, where you can market third party products or services directly and earn commissions based on the results you achieve.

It is worth noting that here the commissioning method is completely different from the first method, the first method is full or temporary employment of an organization or entity and commission marketing is a program that provides many organizations and larger digital entities so that any marketer can participate and profit-based. As a result, the action is not mandatory here.

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