What is a Database? Database Management System?

What is a database?

What is a database?

Databases are defined as a set of information that is accessed by a computer for special searches and this information is stored on a storage device like a magnetic disk file in letters and words, Contains scientific and technical data and a personal computer can maintain a small database that is used by in-house individuals and is characterized by being interconnected and compatible with office computer programs, including spreadsheet programs. This makes them more desirable and important in business life

Database management system

Database management systems contribute to supporting governments and organizations as important tools for storing, organizing, retrieving, and identifying data, and modern database management systems are complex software applications based on the collection and capture of data from individual sources. 
Databases and their management contain a list of names and numbers on mobile phones, and with the development of the Internet, this network has proven that users can access a wide range of data remotely using a few elements such as modems, personal computers, and communication programs. And an important issue for companies. 
The main responsibility is a joint responsibility between the network administrator and the database manager and if the base is on the network, the first line of defense to protect it is the network security database management system known as a language that works in the data processing. 
ORCAL is a commercial program that is used in many applications, including assisting in the process of data collection and creation, correcting and removing barriers that limit its organization, and these programs are used to enter new information and change the actual data at the base and used in various applications To protect data, monitor users, deal with system errors, and recover lost data due to these errors by managing processes such as data recovery and setting security rules to contribute to the way users are managed in the database.

Advantages of use

Advantages of use There are several advantages to using DBMS to manage and manage databases, including the following: Data protection. Strategies to enable multiple users to access data simultaneously, as well as to prioritize between them by locking the base from specific users.
If there are any errors or failures the system is likely to recover very quickly. 
Recording various activities in activity data. The ability to deal with it and the ability to access data only through the API.


Databases are very important for databases in different businesses and their importance is present at many points, including Databases help greatly in speeding up the process of accessing the data contained in them, 
so the process gathers the necessary information instead of searching here for convenience. It accesses it and employs it in various tasks in processing or in the future. 
Databases greatly help in the process of correcting this data in the future and greatly facilitate the process of deleting or adding additions as well as making necessary updates. Databases help to answer any questions or inquiries directly related to the data stored and stored within these rules at any time.
Helps to integrate and collect big data in a categorical manner to facilitate management and retrieval.

Database support

Database Support One of the most popular languages used to build databases is SQL (Structured Query Language). SQL has a set of instructions or commands that can be divided into three groups according to their nature: Or select to retrieve some records from multiple tables.
INSERT to create a record. Delete the record. Update to change the record. DDL: Data definition language and has the following instructions: Create a table, or (view), or (index) or any other purpose. DROP to delete a table or any other motive. Option to amend the schedule or any other purpose. DCL: Language of Data Control It contains the following instructions: Grants give the user the opportunity.

Database design

Database Design Database is a science that must analyze the system and what information it must store. The first step in designing a database and program is to analyze what the system wants, and we will learn about the steps of database design. 
Determine the purpose of the database: The concept of the system must be complete in order to be aware of the purpose of the system. Finding all the necessary information: The designer must be fully aware of all the information that he wants to enter in the fields and tables as required by the system without any reduction or increase.
Dividing the information into tables: This is the most important step so that the information is distributed in the tables, so let's say there is a registration system for the student, there is a table called Student Information, 
where there are fields like student name, principal, address, college, etc. Inserting Fields in Tables: Generally, after designing tables and not applicable, fields are added and information that can be added or deleted is added before the table creation process. 
Creating Tables and Primary Keys: To be able to deal with data, each table must have a primary key and the key must be selected with an integer field. Draw Relationships Between Tables: There are general relationships between tables that have a relationship. The user can deal with multiple tables. 
Here, the relationship between the tables must be drawn and applied. Design Confirmation: Confirming databases by applying certain sentences to determine whether the data retrieval process is correct and the advantage of this step is to know the problems, identify them, and solve them properly.

Database type

Databases The types of databases are defined as a set of interconnected organized data on a computer, but their importance stems from the ability to easily and efficiently modify and update as well as deal with large amounts of data and store them with the information organized and processed. Four different types are used to organize data in its database.

Network database

Network Databases Network databases are increasingly named because of the classification rules and were designed as flexible ways to present interconnected topics and relationships, and one advantage is that they are simpler in design and concept and require more efficient information than stratification. 
In that sense, it is possible to access data and distinguish programs from the complexity of storage devices rather than classified models, and may have such limitations as structural adjustment difficulties with its size, and may have difficulty inserting, deleting, or modifying any record.

Databases are goal-based

Object-oriented database data is programmed to reveal specific goals and topics and is different from table-based related databases; 
Where reliance depends on the concept of a programming language that focuses on the subject and is currently widely and widely used and one of its advantages is the ability to work with different types of data as opposed to relational systems related to a form and images in these forms, Includes text, numbers, and other digital media. Lower maintenance costs than other types.

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